God’s Word is the standard and authority for all we do


Every church or ministry family has certain distinguishing hallmarks.
Here are four ethos-shaping ‘pillars’ of the Free Methodist Church (USA): Wesleyan-Arminian Theological Heritage...
  1. We believe that love is the motivational center of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, as opposed to sovereignty and control.
  2. We believe that God intentionally made us as ‘persons’ in His own image and likeness, which includes the true ability to choose. If this is true, then not all that happens is predetermined by God. Instead, we choose and God is always responsive to our choices; redeeming poor choices and providentially working; moving us to faith and Christ-likeness.
  3. We believe that the Holy Spirit brings the light of Christ; awakening and enlightening every human being; preparing them to consider Christ.
  4. We believe that Jesus died for the sins of all humans, not for just a few whom he chose before creation. Since Jesus atoned for all, all have the possibility of being redeemed from the guilt of their sins and the power of their self-centered being. All who call on the name of the Lord (in repentance and faith) shall be saved.